Magezi Harvest Limited as a company places a lot of emphasis on our working relationship with teachers as much as we value the learners and educational institutions.
We believe that teachers ought to benefit from their sweat.
We have various ways in which we benefit from the work of teachers and compensate them for their efforts in furthering our mission and vision.

1. Teachers as recruiters or onboarding agents

There are teachers that help us to recruit or onboard learners onto our platform.
These are compensated with a commission of 20% of the subscription amount paid by the learner each month or year they subscribe, A teacher will get paid this commission for as long as the learner continues to subscribe.

2. Teachers as content creators

There are teachers that set aside time to work with our team of expert content creators and generate content that they upload on their personal Youtube channels.
Our team helps these teachers to create, manage and promote their YouTube channels.
In this arrangement, the teacher partner commits to allowing us to use and embed their content in our video section - which also helps to boost their channel traffic on YouTube.
The teacher partner in this case retains 100% of the revenue coming from their YouTube channel.

3. Teachers as live class instructors

There are teachers that offer to deliver special live classes to our subscribers.
These classes are prepared with the help of our expert content creators and our learner success team promotes them to ensure that the attendance is at the highest possible.
The teachers that deliver these classes are compensated by our company.

If you are interested in becoming a teacher partner at Magezi Harvest Limited, please contact us via business@mageziharvest.co.ug.